October 22: Weekly Wrap-Up

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Welcome to the first Weekly Wrap-up, where we will share links to articles, blog posts, interviews and more,  which relate to all things writing, journalism, media and creativity.

The Journalists Formerly Known as the Media: My Advice to the Next Generation | Jay Rosen
An adapted and expanded version of a speech given by Jay Rosen (writer, critic and professor at New York University) to the incoming class at Sciences Po école du journalisme in Paris, September 2, 2010. According to Jay, the media world is experiencing a great shift: "People are connected horizontally to one another as effectively as they are connected up to Big Media; and they have the powers of production in their hands". This change entails a new approach to journalism, which Jay explains in 10 concise steps, all boiling down to the fact that journalists, formally known as the media, must start "seeing people as public, empowered to make media themselves".

Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit | Robert Mankoff
A wonderful blog post from The New Yorker cartoonist Robert Mankoff, describing (with pictures!) how he generates ideas. Ex nihilo nihil fit translates to nothing comes from nothing; so, the more ideas and associations we have stocked in our mind, the more likely it is that they will come our way. Thank you to Nicole Haddow (@nicolehaddow) for the link.

A lovely blog post from artist and freelance writer Becky Hunter, who assures us "there is always, always time to take a break". Thank you to Emma Krieger (@emmakrieger) for the link. 

Caroline Overington: A Heartbreaking, Important Interview | Mia Freedman
On a more sombre note, Mia Freedman's moving video interview with one of Australia's finest journalists, Caroline Overington, is unmissable. Caroline and Mia discuss a feature article Caroline wrote for The Weekend Australian, which was published in May, asking the question of whether parents who murder their children are insane or evil. You can read it here. Caroline's work reminds us how important it is for journalists to bring such excruciating, yet incredibly important, issues to light and examine them, from all angles, with compassion and rationality. 

This piece does not have anything to do with the writing profession itself, nor is it an example of particularly elegant prose. I have included it here because, if you are anything like me, you have a heartfelt desire to connect with the human spirit, in all its forms. This raw account of prison life - my version of hell, as I'm sure it is yours - is gruesome and confronting but, nevertheless, valuable, not only from an anthropological point of view but also an empathetic one. Thank you to Natalie Perkins (@definatalie) for the link.

We hope you find these pieces enjoyable, valuable and/or interesting. Please contact us if you have any suggestions for next week's Weekly Wrap-Up. Have a wonderful weekend!

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